Liquefied gas in home use.
Liquefied gas, consisting of a mixture of Butan and propane, is widely used both in the heating of houses and for gas refueling. More often two -component liquefied gas is called just rally.
Propane is a convenient and inexpensive type of fuel for household purposes, which can be stored in a small container, providing the energy needs of the house. It is also a fuel for a car, pure environmentally friendly and having a high octane number – 110 units. The advantages of propane, as automobile fuel, are its economical consumption, then the exact cost of liquefied gas is low, as well as an extensive network of gas stations.
Receive propane from oil, as well as from the condensate of gases that make up its composition.
The liquid state of propane is ensured by its storage and transportation under pressure in 16 atmospheres.
The composition of liquefied gas used in everyday life is regulated by GOST 20448 – 90.
The percentage of propane and butan, which have a different temperature of the transition from the liquid state to gaseous, may vary depending on the climatic conditions of fuel use.
The fuel mixture, in which the propane content prevails and is 70 – 80 percent, provides stable gas evaporation and, accordingly, its reliable supply at low temperatures, which makes it relevant to use it in winter.
In summer, at high temperatures, it is more efficient to use gas with a low propane content, up to 40 percent, in order to avoid creating excess pressure in gas tanks.
In order for the safety of the population, in a mixture of propane with butan, which has absolutely no smell, all sorts of odorants containing unpleasantly smelling substances, such as ethylmercoptles, are added. They are also called “smells of gas”, but the odorans have nothing to do with propane.