The comfort and durability of the bath depends not only on the selected material and the quality of the building, but also on the installed ventilation system. Of course, the quality of building materials play an important role, but it is ventilation that allows us to ensure the comfort of staying in the steam room, and prevents the destruction of the bath from damp.
High humidity The main difference between the Russian bath and all the others, since the increase in temperature in it is created due to the spraying of water on the stones. And excess moisture is the best condition for the growth of mold mushrooms that destroy the tree. Therefore, if you do not want to change the floors in a year, and the walls in two, then you should think through the ventilation system.
But do not overdo it, since an excess of supply cold air can sharply lower the temperature in the bathhouse, and you will have increased costs for heating or gas.
The main way to remove wet air from the bath is the use of the furnace. To do this, a boiler is made with an additional door in a steam room called blowing. After visiting the bath, purging and plug should be opened, then all the wet air will stretch out.
But removal of wet air cannot be fully ensured by good circulation. To do this, make a supply passage, as which you can use doors and windows. But it is best to make part of the sexes collapsible to be able to get 2 – 3 boards. Thus, you get an impressive gap through which cold and dry air enters from the street.
The main aspect of the ventilation device – it should not interfere with the set and maintaining a high temperature in the paired room. To do this, do it deaf, or with a small window in the washing room. Such a principle will save the heat in the steam room and significantly heat the washing room for a comfortable stay. Air exchange should maintain the optimal oxygen content, since hypoxia, along with fever, can lead to dizziness, loss of consciousness, etc. D.
Proper ventilation in a sauna or bath should ensure a continuous exchange of air media. A complete change of air should take place every ten minutes, otherwise an excess of moisture will accumulate, and a lack of oxygen will form. A faster change of air will be cold, and also cause a draft, which can lead to colds.