Why vegetation on the site? What to do if there is not enough moisture in the ground? Which is better – automation or saved tools?
If not for everyone, then for many people who have not only their own house, but still a small plot of land nearby, I want it to be beautiful and comfortable there. And for this purpose, most often, the land is ennobled. In other words, they create vegetation cover. Everyone has their own approach in this matter. Someone is enough even grassy lawn, the other will want to add a shrub, and the third will decide, no matter what it is, to break the flower bed.
But no matter what choice the owner of the “site” makes, everyone will have the common one – if there is vegetation, then it needs moisture. And if so, then you need to organize watering. Moreover, watering is regular. Who doubts, can read Aqneed, maybe, of course, the point of view will change, although it is unlikely that.
So, since almost everyone today considers himself a very busy person, then watering is automatic. That is, the irrigation technique itself turns on at the right time and also automatically turns off. Yes, such a system costs money. But is the well -groomed lawn at a minimum of time costs not worth it? If the answer is affirmative, then what is the conversation? And if negative, then why did you need to sow something on your site?