Not so long ago, humanity has found a way to distinguish similar shades of the same color as they say “by eye”. In order to indicate for yourself which shade is more harmonious to compare the color carriers together.
As you know, each color from the palette is endowed with its properties and secrets, so, gray will play in different shades when the colors of different brightness appear in the neighborhood. This color with red or green contrasts.
The contrast of the color spectrum is very well traced, if you experiment with the background. In addition, do not forget such a property from the “life” of color as kinship, for example red, will be less saturated on an orange, close to it in a color spectrum, background than on a green. But the visual perception of a combination of various colors affects not only their similarity or vice versa, a striking difference, many external factors can affect how the human eye will perceive color. Saturation, color depth, its shade can vary as a result of the influence of factors such as light, background color, the distance on which you are from the object of contemplation. A reflection plays an important role, because when the direct rays of the sun falls on an object with a bright color or even a bright clothing, a reflection with a characteristic shade will necessarily arise.
If you carefully study the color spectrum and its features, you can easily combine different colors and shades and apply this knowledge quite fruitfully not only when painting. By the way, if we talk about painting or even, for example, to take ordinary drawing lessons from the school course, we can note several more features that every color has. One of these features is the color temperature, but it is not determined at all to the touch, depth and saturation, these are the real temperature indicators of each color. After all, everyone knows that there are warm or cold colors, by the way, they can be successfully combined, while strengthening or reducing the quality of a certain color. Experienced artists are constantly experimenting with color properties. You can see this clearly by visiting the gallery of painting. It will be interesting and independently conduct a number of simple experiments with mixing of various colors or with a change in the background. This is not only a fascinating and cognitive activity, but also the exercises really useful for your vision.
It is very successful to compare several not very bright colors, unlike saturated red, orange or acidic yellow, more neutral tones act soothingly on the human psyche. But the application of the pattern on the background requires taking into account the plane and distance at which it will be represented by the viewer. So, at a large distance, the small pattern will be blurry and merge with the color of the background.
It is not at all a secret that not only the mood inside the team, but also its performance directly depends on the correct choice of the color of the walls in the office. Such details as a type of window, or, for example, the shape and color of the furniture, are no less important. Therefore, choosing a room under the office, remember that soft bright colors are tuned to positive and create a creative mood.
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