Love is an all -consuming, strong and incomparable feeling with any other. Many people confuse love with love. Love is not the same as love. This is passion, goosebumps, butterflies in the stomach. But like a moth of life, the age of love is not long. She flashes brightly and quickly fades away. Love is powerful. It is like life that gives once and for all. It is like an element that is comparable only with death.
Love is long -term and merciful. She inspires and gives strength. A loving person, as if a veil covers his beloved, trying to protect him from anger, pain, slander, atrocities. Truly loving will not burden his love. He will not strive to change something in the subject of his love. His love does not strangle. On the contrary, he seeks to do everything possible and impossible to make another person easier. Will not require gratitude, will not reproach.
Love is creation, the harmony of two souls related to forever. Feeling is unusual, inexplicable. It overflows, breaks out, is not amenable to control. It is unlimited and deep.
Love is the sun, it is air, grass, a drop of dew, the smile of the baby ..
This is life!