In order to transgress to cosmetic repair of walls and ceilings, from the beginning it is worth getting rid of the materials available on them. On how it all eliminates, it will depend on how much to express a new coating with the basis.
To blur the old whitewash, you can use a roller or sponge. But the most effective way is at this time a metal spatula.
It is worth preparing for washing and not forget to protect yourself. By clicking on the following link you can read about landscape design.
Before you start working, take care of cleanliness. All available furniture should be covered with polyethylene and cover the floor with a film.
If you do not want your protection in the form of a film to move during work, then it should be fixed with molar tape. And on the floor in addition to throw a couple more unnecessary newspapers. She perfectly absorbs moisture, after which it can easily be thrown away.
So that the washing passes more comfortable for it to be done standing on a stepladder. For better wetting the ceiling, a spray gun is suitable, in which there will be warm water, with a small concentrate of vinegar or salt.
Do not forget about protective glasses and respirator. And so that the head and all the clothes are protected, you can put on a rain cloak.
There is nothing complicated in such work as you see, there is no slightly effort and compliance with the rules, will be good assistants in the process.