The desire to stand out gradually pushes a person not only to ennoble his home, but also a land plot around him. In a private house, this is a household area, and in apartment buildings neat flowerbeds near the entrances. The use of a decorative colored chip as a decoration will not only provide an aesthetic appearance, but also significantly improve the condition of the soil itself, which the mulch will cover. After all, this is an exclusively natural product that will not make much difficult.
Useful properties of chips
Mulch manufacture in production
As mentioned earlier, decorative mulch is a natural product based on the outgoing material of wood processing. A layer of such a coating will provide the soil protection against erosion, fertilized its composition, by humus of the lower layer. Mulch will retain moisture inside the soil and will not allow the appearance of dirt. Therefore, it can be sprinkled not only by decorative flower beds, but also, for example, treadmills or paths in parks. Such a coating prevents the growth of weed grass, and already growing representatives of the flora will serve as a warm blanket from severe frosts and protection from decay of fruits. In addition, the very process of its manufacture is reduced to the disposal of waste of the woodworking industry. All the advantages of painted mulch can be safely supplemented with an excellent decoration of the personal plot.
Production of a decorative chip
Review of a decorative chip
Thanks to the minimum cost of the production of decorative chips, such a business idea has the opportunity to be implemented in a fairly profitable version. You should start such a business with the choice of a material supply source. A cheaper option would be an independent search for forest drying, but you need to choose only deciduous types of trees. After collecting the material, it is necessary to process it into chips, and for this you will need a special garden crusher. Of course, to buy it is easiest, but this will significantly increase material costs. A cheap option would be to make it yourself, for this there are quite different photos – and video instructions on the Internet. To reduce your time and effort, you can simply agree with the nearest sawmill on the purchase of woodworking waste from them. Slots are ideal after the logs of logs, they are already the same size and this will only improve the aesthetics of the final product.
After cutting the required amount of the product, to achieve the final result, it must be painted and dried. To give the color, the slope will need a special paint that will not burn out in the sun and will not flow after the first rain. The process itself occurs in a special equipment called Colorazer, but for beginner businessmen there is a much simpler way. The chips are simply covered in a barrel with the dye and stir from time to time, since the tree pops up to the surface and the result of coloring will not be the same. If desired, you can use a concrete mixer for this purpose, which will itself evenly mix the entire mass. After reaching the desired shade, all mulch should be well dried and you can put it on plastic bags. Transparent packaging will be more attractive to buyers, demonstrating the filling of the package in front of them.
Who to sell chips?
The purchase of such decorative material needs to be interested in not only private individuals, but also construction companies or design agencies. With the simultaneous use of several flowers of mulch, you can create individual patterns on the surface of the earth. Due to the naturalness of the product, replace it with a new one. It is enough to pour a fresh layer on top, and the bottom will rot itself and deliver the soil. Designers have long been using such a decoration of personal plots in their arsenal.
The beauty of mulch can be worthy to complement its practicality. Due to the fact that the chips passes through itself water, its covered paths or playgrounds always remain clean, even after prolonged sediments. In addition, the chips will not lose their flowers, and the children will only be happy to run on such a bright coating, and parents can be calm for their safety. These qualities can arouse interest in purchasing from construction companies.
Summing up, we can safely say that interest in the acquisition of mulch can be caused by absolutely any buyer. The lack of significant costs for the start of such a business allows him to become a rather profitable business. Of course, for a worthy start, it is necessary to properly conduct a PR campaign of the product. The use of wood chips as a design coating solves most of the problems that arise in the personal plot. In addition, for a full surface coating of 10 m? just use only one cubic meter of decorative chip. In bags it will be approximately 15 pieces.