The procedure for technical survey of buildings can be carried out at various stages of the existence of buildings, more details on the site:
Post -e -operating period.
At the construction stage, certain issues may appear regarding the fixing of the compliance of construction and installation work with the characteristics established by a specific project. In addition, during the resumption of construction work at a preserved facility, technical confirmation of which designs are used there. In this situation, a technical examination is carried out in selective order. Often, the check affects the most important structural details that were installed and prepared for the time of conservation.
As for the examination of the buildings at the exploitation stage, this is required when a planned verification of the state of real estate, as well as after any emergency situations (fire, flooding, etc.). This provides an opportunity to determine the damage obtained as a result of a specific incident.
As for the audit during the post-sequisition period, it may be required if any extension, redevelopment or change in the functional purpose of a particular object. In this situation, technical indicators of the structure and certain building structures are established. Self -trial calculations are additionally performed, defective statements are formed, and detailed recommendations are issued regarding the restoration of the normal state of the structure.
Examination methods
To date, several common methods of technical examination are used:
Instrumental (control of the strength indicators of buildings).
Visual (viewing the existing design).
In the process of work, the defects and the performance of verification calculations are required to be recorded. In particular, experts pay attention to the following problems:
Destruction of the protective part of the reinforcement.
Cracks present on load -bearing details (beams, columns, walls and pieces).
Leaks and fungal wall damage.
All the pictures received are added to the final report along with the results of the examination and the conclusions.