Do -it -yourself chimney can be built by selecting the device and materials diagram correctly. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to certain installation rules and fire safety standards.
Choosing materials for the chimney
The video lesson tells the existing chimney schemes
The choice of materials for the chimneine canal mainly depends on the type of fuel on which the heat generator works. The stoves and fireplaces have long been on solid fuel. It has a low efficiency of useful action, and, as a result, the diverted gases are very heated. Their temperature can be 600 ° C and even more. Therefore, traditionally smoke pipes are made of complete brick. Nowadays, he can be a design of ceramics and heat -resistant steels an alternative to him. The heat resistance and corrosion resistance of modern materials is favorably different from the operational properties of bricks, but their cost is higher.
Modern heat generators work on more efficient gaseous and liquid fuel with efficiency up to 90%. The temperature of the combustion products in this case is reduced to 150 ° C, and the requirements for heat resistance of the smoke excess channels are sharply reduced. But the problem of increasing corrosion resistance comes to the fore. The fact is that in such temperature conditions as a result of a chemical reaction, condensate is connected to combustion products with the formation of a mixture of aggressive acids. For brick chimneys, it is necessary to perform additional waterproofing, but a simpler and more effective method may be a choice for a pipe of acid -resistant materials: special steels, special varieties of polymers, glass or ceramics.
Steel pipes have proven themselves quite well. They are characterized by a very smooth surface, and their installation and maintenance are not of special difficulties, so it may well be done independently. In addition, they can be laid in old brick mines. The disadvantages include relatively high cost and increased heating of products in a single -layer version.
How to make a chimney with your own hands – the main rules
DIY chimney posture – video
Structurally, the chimney can be performed in several ways. It depends on the characteristics of the room, type and features of the placement of the heating device. In general, one should strive for the simplest schemes. The fewer deviations of the direction of movement of the smoke from the vertical, the more stable the system will work as a whole.
The most productive gases can be provided by systems with round -section highways. This is due to the fact that the path of movement of smoke in the pipe has a spiral. In this case, the geometric parameters of the cross -section of the mine must be constant throughout its entire length. The latest statement is true for channels of any form.
The diameter of the chimney should not be less than the size of the output element of the heat generator, and the total height of the channel is at least 5 m. Before making a chimney, it must be understood that the calculation of the diameter of the pipe and traction forces are directly dependent. It may happen that a too large section of the pipe, even with its sufficiently large height, will not give sufficient traction. This is the main thing that you need to think about first. The main characteristics of the flue channel can be calculated, for example, by the “Swedish formula” or using GOST 9817-95 “Household apparatus that operate on solid fuel”.
Installation and insulation of the chimney
Mandatory requirements for insulation of the chimney located indoors does not exist. This can be a simple unmilled pipe, but before passing through the ceiling (at least 0.6 m before it), it should be replaced by a “sandwich”. According to SNiP norms, it is prohibited from the overlapping of unleashed pipelines. The difference in temperature in the outer part of the smoke line provokes condensate loss. Therefore, it is mandatory to heat up the highways, which are in the area of non -heated attics, and external smoke -sized channels.
Requirements for the joints of the design:
They must be connected by crimping clamps with special non -combustible waterproofing;
They cannot be placed in the field of ceilings;
it is necessary to ensure visual control of their integrity.
In order to better understand how to make a chimney correctly, it is recommended to get acquainted with SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”.
Installation of the highway starts from the heat generator. For the convenience of servicing the channel, a door is arranged in its lower part. Posomes are mounted near non -combustible walls. Every 1.5-2 m, the chimney should be connected by brackets with the structural elements. The contact of the pipe with gas and electrical communications should be excluded. Particular attention should be paid to the conclusion of the smoke pipe through the roof. The upper part of the highway is fixed and protected from clogging and precipitation by deflectors and nets.
More complex work is the masonry of a brick pipe. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the device of such a chimney with your own hands on a video that can be found on our website.