Once deciding to repair in your apartment, you should clearly represent, and what kind of type you are going to start. Without an idea of the necessary scale, this process will have to return again, and again. Despite the fact that today there are many different finishing and decorative materials in the construction market, and a huge range of offers has appeared in the service sector, any repairs can still be reduced to three types:
The first of them is a cosmetic version of its execution. In principle, this is the simplest and most inexpensive look. It usually includes the high -quality execution of decorating and finishing work, does not include constructive changes in the structure, and also does not apply to repair measures in plumbing and electric lines. Basically, the cosmetic repair of apartments in Kyiv involves overpassing the wallpaper, aligning the ceilings and walls, their painting, replacing the flooring, eliminating existing defects, sometimes replacement and plumbing equipment is possible. In most cases, cosmetic repairs can be carried out without attracting strength from the outside, that is, your hands.
The second type is a major overhaul. The name itself suggests that it implies a constructive approach to a change in the external appearance of the dwelling. The complex of measures includes a radical replacement of basic communications, electric wiring, often the demolition of unnecessary partitions and redevelopment, with subsequent plaster and painting work. When carrying out such a repair in a living room, decorative elements as a whole changing style solutions, such as arched structures, pilasters, niches, columns and so on can be added. In most cases, such a repair cannot be carried out independently. The help of specialists and the construction team is necessary.
The third type is European repair. This concept has been fixed since the beginning of the 90s and lives to this day. Today, the European -repair of apartments implies the participation of the designer in the process, the use of modern technologies and materials, is also carried out by the European approach to zoning the room, differs in the presence of multi -level ceilings and floors, decorative coatings of a new type, point lighting and much more. When performing European repair, a special role is played by the correct approach to decorating and using many finishing materials. Therefore, with its own efforts of high -quality it cannot be carried out, one should trust real professionals who are perfectly owned by most construction professions.