Liquid nails – a type of construction glue, characterized by special strength and capable of withstanding loads up to 80 kg/cm². Appeared relatively recently, but has already found widespread use in modern construction and repair.
Used for gluing wood, chipboard, ceramics, plastic, glass, brick and metal. General rules for using liquid nails are applied to a dry clean, low -fat surface.
Description of the article:
We use gloves when working with liquid nails
Water -based nails
Glue is applied with drops or stripes (snakes) using a special gun or syringe. The glue is quickly grasping, so after application you need to immediately and as tightly as possible press the glued surfaces. Keep in this position for several minutes. Damp rag or spatula, remove glue residues.
We use gloves when working with liquid nails
Drying time can occupy from 18 to 24 hours. During this period, it is advisable not to create an additional load on the glued structure. When working with liquid nails, it is necessary to use gloves: in addition to the fact that the glue is toxic, it is also difficult to remove from the skin.
More detailed technological features of a particular brand are indicated by each manufacturer separately in the instructions. Types of liquid nails neoprene nails – created on the basis of synthetic rubber.
Water -based nails
Are toxic and have a characteristic pungent smell that disappears a few days after the completion of the installation. Water -based nails – created on a water -based using acrylate latex. Caused and environmentally friendly. However, the scope of their use is significantly narrowed: can be used only for porous materials (tiles, tiles).
In addition, they are afraid of high humidity, therefore they are used mainly for internal work. Which to choose? The choice is based on what kind of functions are assigned to the future connection.
For this, first of all, you need to be guided by a description of the product. But at the same time it is worth paying attention to the composition. So, stamps whose glue contains calcium carbonate are widespread. Caco3 (or simply chalk) some manufacturers began to use a special type of clay. This negatively affects the degree of adhesiveness and, accordingly, the reliability of the connection. Toluol and acetone are included in the classic formula of liquid nails.
Toluol improves adhesion, and acetone accelerates drying. But it is precisely these substances that are responsible for that specific suffocating smell. Modern species contain alternative components, less toxic and harmful to the human body. And the above substances become the prerogative of cheap adhesive materials.