What associations come to your mind when you hear the word “cottage house”? Probably, like most people, this is a quiet place where you can take a break from the city metush. And opposite you a picture: beds with herbs and other different plants, a fruit garden, a comfortable wooden house, beautiful flower beds. Although someone does not have a garden or garden in the view of, however, at least a small country house is required (a summer house 4×4 or a summer house 6×6).
Almost all cottages are built of wood. Since this method is considered a simpler and more quick in the construction of houses. Also wood is environmentally friendly material. In wooden country houses, people feel more comfortable, you feel rest in body and soul. Earlier, and now they go to the summer cottages for the restoration of energy, mental balance. It is believed that the tree helps people closer to nature. That’s why they build from this durable and amazing material and now. Thus, wooden country house houses are in great demand. The only thing that wooden one -story country houses were rarely used for living at any time of the year. The summer season began in March, and ended with the first cool days. And this is all because heating was not provided in summer houses, the price of which was different.
Currently, wooden country houses look completely different, and their construction is seriously. Wooden dachas are built with all communications. Now you can live on a turnkey cottage house price all year round. And what is the most interesting, wooden country houses inexpensively began to be used on a par with apartments. Cottages became “second houses”. So if you want to live with your family in a country house with excellent conditions, contact reliable companies. Where you will build a country house inexpensively, for all your requirements.
In order to make it easier to determine and choose a miniature summer house for yourself, you should consider what it is built from. The fact that it is built of wood is understandable. So, the house of a manual log house is considered the most expensive and laborious way. In this method, logs are cleaned of the bark, and they are given a rounded shape with an ax. Such an image, all processing undergoes manually. The disadvantages of this method are: the exposure periods are too stretched, high cost, loose fit of logs. However, such a cutting is very durable and will last many years.
Also, houses are built from a gallected log. This type of houses is outwardly neat and beautiful. This processing of wood is performed at the factory. All logs should be the same in diameter and fit tightly. The disadvantages are that these logs should stand for 6-12 months before starting finishing work and stop into the house. Unlike logs, the beam has a rectangular section. Cheap country house is the best option!
The latest wood processing technology has been developed relatively recently. Deformation and problem of shrinkage of houses remained in the last century. For those people who do not want to wait until the house is standing, glued beam will be the best material for construction. Danim house from a beam is the most reliable material. Its production technology is that high -quality wood is cut into boards. After that, the boards pass drying and glue in the beam. Glue is used only of high quality, as well as environmentally friendly. The disadvantage is only the price. Houses and this type of beam are not deformed and do not sag. And this provides quick settlement in the house. Turnkey cottage house is convenient!
The house is good, but only for the summer. For permanent housing, it is better to purchase real estate, for example, here is the new Izmailovo new building